Here's a quick detail on the animal's food/feed.

Daily in the morning and night I give about a half a scoop of those cups per goat of the orchard pellets with a few exceptions... then I give a light dusting of the goat feed, to give them a snack on top. The exceptions. I give a whole scoop of orchard in each of treasure and finnegans pails because treasure doesn't eat much of anything all day, so that's all the food she gets. Finnegan will eat hers if she has more, so I just give him the same. Then I sprinkle a little more of the goat feed on theirs. Eve I give a little less orchard and a little more of the goat feed trying to keep weight on, I think she tends to eat a lot less too.

every other day, I give eve and treasure 4 pills each of the meloxicam. I just put a small amount of the goat feed in with it and they gobble it down really fast. Also on the same day as the meloxicam we put one flat scoop of the zinc in that small jug with the lid. If we forgot to fill it, there's a large bag of it in the metal pail in the back behind the goat feed. We'll try to remember.

The chickens, I give a bit of grubs daily over by the metal pail outside by the barn garage door. Not mandatory... I also give them some scratch a few times a week from the plastic black garbage bin in the small shed inside the barn. That's about it... Let me know if you have questions. we're avaiable by phone if needed.

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